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Creating your own blockchain coin. How much does it cost, terms

We can create your own Token on the Bitcoin or Ethereum (ERC20) blockchain quite quickly. Create your own Coin is a little more complicated, write to us.

Cryptocurrency was invented to avoid intervening or manipulating the currency by the state. Nowadays it is possible thanks to Internet users. Recently, cryptocurrency has become very popular and has involved a large number of network users around the world in the process of their creation and use. Their number is growing.

If you are advanced user creating your own cryptocurrency is not so difficult, it is not necessary to understand programming, in some cases it will be enough to correct the ready-made program code.

First, let’s determine the functions of your future cryptocurrency. If the goal is to create some kind of internal currency for a single project or group of people, then applying a separate Blockchain may be irrational. In that situation, your own token will be better.

Difference Between Token and Coin

Some people think there are no difference between token and coin and tokens are often confused with coins. So, what’s the difference?

  • The main difference is in the way of their creation. Coins require their own blockchain, but tokens don’t have one, they are created on existing blockchains. The main coins are created on the Ethereum platform as an ERC-20 smart contract. You can write your own blockchain and create the coin, or fork an existing one and create a token.
  • Coins can buy tokens, but tokens usually can’t buy coins. Ne z technických důvodů, ale spíše z tržních.
  • You can buy tokens through Initial coin offering (ICO) events in exchange for popular coins. Coins can be sold in the exchange market directly.

Why create your own cryptocurrency?

  • It is convenience to have benefits when the financial transactions will surprise you with the speed.
    When the two sides find each other and make a deal inside one technological open platform - it greatly improves a life. All participants in the process need their own money, coins. These rewards help us to develop customer relationships.
  • Passive earnings.
    You can earn some money selling your coin to the customers who want to invest their finances. If your coin is backed up by the stock reserve, it can be exchanged for the bitcoin and then get the usual paper cache.
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Try new global trends

Start accepting cryptocurrencies in your store! Create your own token! Create your own wallet! Enable decentralization for your business!

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Integration of blockchain

We can implement cryptocurrency payments in your online shop in just 2 days!

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Примеры из нашего портфолио
В одном из проектов наш код был регулярно аудирован отделением крупнейшей ТОП-2 инфосек компанией в мире и регулярно одобрялся.